Old TV Fish Tank: A Unique and Sustainable Way to Display Your Fish

Quick Read show Introduction The Benefits of an Old TV Fish Tank Materials Needed Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Old TV Fish Tank Maintaining Your



Sobat Penurut, have you ever thought about repurposing old electronics? In today’s world, where sustainable practices are becoming more and more important, finding new uses for old items is crucial. One innovative way to repurpose an old TV is by turning it into a fish tank. Not only does it look cool, but it’s also a great way to display your fish in a unique way. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of creating an old TV fish tank, from the materials you’ll need to how to properly maintain it.

The Benefits of an Old TV Fish Tank

Before we dive into the details of creating an old TV fish tank, let’s first explore why it’s a great idea. Here are some benefits of repurposing your old TV into a fish tank:

  • It’s a sustainable way to reuse an old item instead of throwing it away
  • It’s a unique and eye-catching way to display your fish
  • It’s a fun DIY project
  • It can be a great conversation starter

Materials Needed

Now that we’ve explored why an old TV fish tank is a great idea, let’s discuss the materials you’ll need to create one:

Materials Description
Old TV Any old TV will do, but a larger one will give you more space for your fish
Glass or Acrylic You’ll need this to create the tank walls
Silicone Sealant This will be used to seal the tank walls to the TV
Gravel or Sand You’ll need this for the bottom of the tank
Plants and Decorations These will make your fish tank look more natural and inviting
Filter and Heater These are necessary for the health and well-being of your fish
Fish Choose fish that are appropriate for the size of your tank and that will thrive in an aquarium environment

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Old TV Fish Tank

Now that you have all the materials you need, it’s time to get started on creating your old TV fish tank. Follow these steps:

  1. Clean the TV thoroughly to remove any dust or debris
  2. Remove the TV’s back panel and any electronics inside
  3. Measure the inside of the TV and cut the glass or acrylic to fit
  4. Apply silicone sealant to the edges of the glass or acrylic and attach it to the inside of the TV
  5. Allow the silicone to dry completely
  6. Add gravel or sand to the bottom of the tank
  7. Decorate the tank with plants and other decorations
  8. Add water and turn on the filter and heater
  9. Wait a few days for the water to stabilize before adding fish
  10. Introduce your fish to their new home!

Maintaining Your Old TV Fish Tank

Now that you have a beautiful and unique old TV fish tank, it’s important to properly maintain it to keep your fish happy and healthy. Here are some tips:

  • Regularly clean the tank and change the water
  • Monitor the temperature and pH level of the water
  • Feed your fish the appropriate amount of food
  • Regularly check the filter and replace it when necessary
  • Check for any signs of illness in your fish and treat them promptly


1. What size TV should I use?

It’s up to you, but a larger TV will give you more space for your fish. Just make sure it’s not too big for the room you’re putting it in.

2. What kind of fish should I choose?

Choose fish that are appropriate for the size of your tank and that will thrive in an aquarium environment. Do some research before choosing your fish.

3. Can I use a flat-screen TV?

Technically, yes, but it will be more difficult to create a tank with a flat-screen TV. It’s easier to use an older, box-style TV.

4. Do I need a filter and heater?

Yes, these are necessary for the health and well-being of your fish.

5. How often do I need to clean the tank?

You should clean the tank and change the water regularly, depending on the size of your tank and the number of fish you have.

6. Can I use tap water?

Yes, but you should treat it with a water conditioner first to remove any harmful chemicals.

7. How do I know if my fish are sick?

Look for signs such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and unusual behavior. If you’re unsure, consult with a veterinarian who specializes in fish.

8. Can I add more fish later on?

Yes, but make sure you don’t overcrowd the tank. Only add fish that are appropriate for the size of your tank.

9. Do I need to add oxygen to the tank?

Most fish tanks don’t require extra oxygen, but if you have a particularly large tank or a lot of fish, you may want to consider adding an air pump.

10. Can I add live plants?

Yes, live plants can make your tank look more natural and can also help keep the water clean.

11. How do I know if the water temperature is correct?

You should use a thermometer to monitor the water temperature. Different fish require different temperatures, so do some research before choosing your fish.

12. Can I add other animals to the tank?

It’s generally not a good idea to add other animals such as snails or crabs to a fish tank, as they may harm your fish.

13. What do I do if my fish are fighting?

If your fish are fighting, you may need to separate them or add more hiding spots to the tank.


Nah, creating an old TV fish tank is a fun and sustainable DIY project that can also be a great way to display your fish. With the right materials and some patience, you can turn an old TV into a beautiful and unique fish tank that will be the envy of all your friends. Remember to properly maintain your tank to keep your fish healthy and happy, and enjoy your new one-of-a-kind creation!


Mimin is not responsible for any injuries or damages that may result from attempting to create an old TV fish tank. Always use caution when working with glass and electronics.


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